- Papers and related resources, mainly state-of-the-art and novel works in ICCV, ECCV and CVPR about image super-resolution and video super-resolution
- Image Super-Resolution: A Comprehensive Review (2020)
- #TALK How Super Resolution Works (2019)
- #TALK Can you enhance that? Single Image Super Resolution (Pydata 2019)
- #CODE BasicSR: Open Source Image and Video Restoration Toolbox for Super-resolution, Denoise, Deblurring (Pytorch)
- It includes EDSR, RCAN, SRResNet, SRGAN, ESRGAN, EDVR, etc
- #CODE Single Image Super Resolution benchmark (Keras)
- EDSR, SRGAN, SRFeat, RCAN, ESRGAN and ERCA (not published)
- #CODE Single Image Super-Resolution with EDSR, WDSR and SRGAN (Keras)
Supervised CNN-based
#PAPER Image Super-Resolution Using Deep Convolutional Networks, SRCNN (Dong 2015)
#PAPER Accurate Image Super-Resolution Using Very Deep Convolutional Networks (2015)
#PAPER Deep Networks for Image Super-Resolution with Sparse Prior (Wang 2015)
#PAPER FSRCNN - Accelerating the Super-Resolution Convolutional Neural Network (Dong 2016)
- Uses deconvolution layers (transposed convolution)
#PAPER Deconvolution and Checkerboard Artifacts (Odena 2016)
- Identifies the learned upsample operation (often called deconvolutions) in generative networks as a source of noise
- Overall lesson here is that if you use transposed convolutions, be careful that your kernel size is a multiple of your stride
- However if you use a nearest neighbor or bilinear upsample approach followed by a convolution (termed the ‘resize convolution’) checkerboard artifacts should not appear
- They have more succes with nearest neighbor than with bilinear, possibly because bilinear upsampling smooths away important high frequency signals
#PAPER Perceptual Losses for Real-Time Style Transfer and Super-Resolution (Johnson 2016)
#PAPER ESPCN - Real-Time Single Image and Video Super-Resolution Using an Efficient Sub-Pixel Convolutional Neural Network (Shi 2016)
- SubPixelUpscaling implementation here
- Subpixel convolution is the same as pixel-shuffle
- A drawback of the interpolation upsampling is that upsampling errors are introduced that can be hard to correct sub-sequently
- The idea of pixel shuffling is to rearrange the pixels of multiple low-resolution images, or in this case feature activations, to one high-resolution out-put image by periodic shuffling of the image points. It thus represents a learnable upsampling operation
- Through the constant periodicity, the previous operations of the neural network can learn to distribute content across the feature dimension which is then shuffled to yield the high-resolution output
- This allows to process the image entirely in low-resolution space
#PAPER Checkerboard artifact free sub-pixel convolution: A note on sub-pixel convolution, resize convolution and convolution resize (Aitken 2017)
#PAPER EDSR - Enhanced Deep Residual Networks for Single Image Super-Resolution (Lim 2017)
#PAPER #REVIEW Deep Learning for Single Image Super-Resolution: A Brief Review (2018)
#PAPER RDN - Residual Dense Network for Image Super-Resolution (Zhang 2018)
#PAPER WDSR - Wide Activation for Efficient and Accurate ImageSuper-Resolution (Yu 2018)
#PAPER RecResNet: A Recurrent Residual CNN Architecture for Disparity Map Enhancement (Batsos 2018)
#PAPER RCAN - Image Super-Resolution Using Very Deep Residual Channel Attention Networks (Zhang 2018)
#PAPER Fast and Accurate Image Super-Resolution with Deep Laplacian Pyramid Networks (Lai 2018)
#PAPER Super-Resolution using Convolutional Neural Networks without Any Checkerboard Artifacts (Sugawara 2018)
#PAPER Supervised Deep Kriging for Single-Image Super-Resolution (Franchis 2018)
#PAPER Single Image Super Resolution based on a Modified U-net with Mixed Gradient Loss (Lu, 2019)
#PAPER Densely Residual Laplacian Super-Resolution (Anwar 2019)
#PAPER Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution with 1D–2D Attentional Convolutional Neural Network (Li 2019)
#PAPER Deep Learning for Multiple-Image Super-Resolution (Kawulok 2019)
#PAPER RUNet: A Robust UNet Architecture for Image Super-Resolution (Hu 2019)
#PAPER Learned Image Downscaling for Upscaling using Content Adaptive Resampler (Sun 2019)
- The proposed resampler network generates content adaptive image resampling kernels that are applied to the original HR input to generate pixels on the downscaled image
- Moreover, a differentiable upscaling (SR) module is employed to upscale the LR result into its underlying HR counterpart
- By back-propagating the reconstruction error down to the original HR input across the entire framework to adjust model parameters, the proposed framework achieves a new state-of-the-art SR performance through upscaling guided image resamplers which adaptively preserve detailed information that is essential to the upscaling
#PAPER Image Super-Resolution Using Attention Based DenseNet with Residual Deconvolution (Li 2019)
#PAPER Pixel Transposed Convolutional Networks (Gao 2019)
- The pixel transposed convolutional layer (PixelTCL) is proposed to establish direct relationships among adjacent pixels on the up-sampled feature map
- PixelTCL can largely overcome the checkerboard problem suffered by regular transposed convolutional operations
#PAPER A Very Deep Spatial Transformer Towards Robust Single Image Super-Resolution (Jiang 2019)
#PAPER ASDN: A Deep Convolutional Network for Arbitrary Scale Image Super-Resolution (Shen 2020)
#PAPER NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Perceptual Extreme Super-Resolution: Methods and Results (Zhang 2020)
- Jointly with NTIRE 2020 workshop we have an NTIRE challenge on perceptual extreme super-resolution, that is,the task of super-resolving an LR image to a perceptually pleasant HR image with a magnification factor x16
#PAPER Fixed smooth convolutional layer for avoiding checkerboard artifacts in CNNs (Kinoshita 2020)
#PAPER Efficient Image Super-Resolution Using Pixel Attention (Zhao 2020)
- #CODE See code in CNNs
#PAPER #REVIEW A Deep Journey into Super-resolution: A survey (Anwar 2020)
#PAPER #REVIEW Deep Learning for Image Super-resolution: A Survey (Wang 2020)
#PAPER #REVIEW A Comprehensive Review of Deep Learning-based Single Image Super-resolution (Bashir 2021)
#PAPER Dense U-net for super-resolution with shuffle pooling layer (Lu 2021)
#PAPER OverNet: Lightweight Multi-Scale Super-Resolution with Overscaling Network (Behjati 2021)
#PAPER Revolution: A Spatial-specific Convolution for Image Super-Resolution (Zhang 2021)
Arbitrary scale
See AI/Deep Learning/Implicit Neural Representations
- #PAPER Meta-SR: A Magnification-Arbitrary Network for Super-Resolution (Hu 2019)
- Continuous, arbitrary scaling
- #PAPER LIIF - Learning Continuous Image Representation with Local Implicit Image Function (Chen 2020)
- Continuous, arbitrary scaling
- #PAPER Arbitrary Back-Projection Networks for Image Super-Resolution (Ma 2020)
- #PAPER Meta-USR: A Unified Super-Resolution Network for Multiple Degradation Parameters (Hu 2021)
- #PAPER An Arbitrary Scale Super-Resolution Approach for 3-Dimensional Magnetic Resonance Image using Implicit Neural Representation (Wu 2021)
#PAPER SRGAN: Photo-Realistic Single Image Super-Resolution Using a Generative Adversarial Network (Ledig 2016)
- First proposed the perceptual loss: content loss + adversarial loss
- content loss ensures high-level content is preserved by computing the MSE in the VGG feature-space (instead of pixel image space)
- adversarial loss ensures the reconstructed images look real (textures detail)
- Model based on VGG architecture and DCGAN
#PAPER Class-Conditional Superresolution with GANs (Chen 2017)
#PAPER ESRGAN: Enhanced Super-Resolution Generative Adversarial Networks (Wang 2018)
- #CODE -
#PAPER tempoGAN: A temporally coherent, volumetric GAN for super-resolution fluid flow (Xie 2018)
#PAPER Unsupervised Single-Image Super-Resolution with Multi-Gram Loss (Shi 2019)
#PAPER TecoGAN: Learning Temporal Coherence via Self-Supervision for GAN-based Video Generation (Chu 2020)
#PAPER TSRGAN: Generative Adversarial Network for Image Super-Resolution Combining Texture Loss (Jiang 2020)
#PAPER Residual Channel Attention Generative Adversarial Network for Image Super-Resolution and Noise Reduction (Cai 2020)
#PAPER Meta-SRGAN - Arbitrary Scale Super-Resolution for Brain MRI Images (Tan 2020)
#PAPER MSG-GAN: Multi-Scale Gradients for Generative Adversarial Networks (Karnewar 2020)
#PAPER MRI Super-Resolution with GAN and 3D Multi-Level DenseNet: Smaller, Faster, and Better (Chen 2020)
#PAPER Real-ESRGAN: Training Real-World Blind Super-Resolution with Pure Synthetic Data (Wnag 2021)
- Super-resolution with a hint of image restoration
- Proposed a high-order degradation modeling process to better simulate complex real-world degradations (blur, downsampling, noise, etc and combinations)
#PAPER Deep Hierarchical Super-Resolution for Scientific Data Reduction and Visualization (Wurster 2021)
See AI/Deep Learning/Transformers
- #PAPER Learning Texture Transformer Network for Image Super-Resolution (Yang 2020)
- Texture Transformer Network for Image Super-Resolution (TTSR)
- LR and Ref images are formulated as queries and keys in a transformer, respectively
- The proposed texture transformer consists of a learnable texture extractor which learns a jointly feature embedding for further attention computation and two attention based modules which transfer HR textures from the Ref image.
- Furthermore, the proposed texture transformer can be stacked in a cross-scale way with the proposed CSFI module to learn a more powerful feature representation
- #PAPER Fusformer: A Transformer-based Fusion Approach for Hyperspectral Image Super-resolution (Hu 2021)
- #PAPER Transformer for Single Image Super-Resolution (Lu 2022)
Diffusion models-based
See AI/Deep Learning/Diffusion models
- #PAPER Image Super-Resolution via Iterative Refinement (Saharia 2021)
- Related to AI/Deep Learning/Diffusion models
- SR3 is inspired by recent work on Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models (DDPM) and denoising score matching
- SR3 adapts denoising diffusion probabilistic models to conditional image generation and performs super-resolution through a stochastic denoising process
- Inference starts with pure Gaussian noise and iteratively refines the noisy output using a U-Net model trained on denoising at various noise levels
- #PAPER SRDiff: Single Image Super-Resolution with Diffusion Probabilistic Models (Li 2021)
- Novel single image super-resolution diffusion probabilistic model (SRDiff), first diffusion-based model for SISR
- SRDiff is optimized with a variant of the variational bound on the data likelihood and can provide diverse and realistic SR predictions by gradually transforming the Gaussian noise into a super-resolution (SR) image conditioned on an LR input through a Markov chain
- See Palette in AI/Deep Learning/Diffusion models